Je me lance un défi #PARCEQUE je veux protéger la planète.

By Macy Anderson

Je me lance un défi #PARCEQUE je veux protéger la planète.

Hello everybody,

We are a group of florists in Canada, and we specialize in flower delivery. We are mostly located near Ontario and Quebec. Our group likes to get together every month to discuss the challenges of being an artisan florist. Last week, Macy Anderson, our president, challenged us: "why don't we support a nonprofit this year, by running 5 miles every weekend?". We were all thrilled because we loved to run. When it became time to pick the nonprofit, it was a no-brainer, it had to be Greenpeace Canada, the only organization that appeals to each of us.
So there we are.... and this challenge will last for 3 months! Help us reach our goal.
Thank you for your support!
My Progress

J’ai personnalisé ma page

J’ai versé un don à ma propre cause

J’ai partagé ma page de profil

J'ai reçu mon premier don

J’ai augmenté mon objectif de financement

J’ai atteint 25% de mon objectif de financement

J’ai atteint 50% de mon objectif de financement

J’ai atteint 75%  de mon objectif de financement

J’ai atteint mon objectif de financement

J’ai remercié mes donateurs et donatrices